List of Articles

Journal of International Development Cooperation. Vol. 18, No. 2, 2023

Analyzing Factors and Developing Strategies for Rice Price Stabilization Policy in Indonesia
J Int Dev Coop 2023;18(2):3-27.
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Indonesia’s National Health Insurance Policy Reform and Enhanced Physical Abilities in People with Physical Disabilities: A Policy Analysis
J Int Dev Coop 2023;18(2):29-56.
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Satisfaction Survey of an Exercise Rehabilitation Sports Official Development Assistance (ODA) Project: Focusing on the Mongolian College of Physical Education
운동재활 스포츠ODA(Official Development Assistance)사업의 만족도 조사에 관한 연구: 몽골 체육대학을 대상으로
J Int Dev Coop 2023;18(2):57-79.
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Factors Associated with an Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Testing Uptake and Differences by Sex in Lesotho
J Int Dev Coop 2023;18(2):81-105.
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Analysis of Private Sector Instruments ODA Reporting Methodology and Its Implication for KOICA
민간지원수단 ODA(Official Development Assistance) 계상 방법과 KOICA에의 함의
J Int Dev Coop 2023;18(2):109-132.
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Report of International Discussions on Development Cooperation and Gender: A Review of the 21st Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development Development Assistance Committee (OECD DAC) Gendernet Annual Meeting
젠더분야 개발협력의 국제 동향 보고: 제21차 OECD DAC 성평등네트워크(Gendernet) 정례회의 참석 결과
J Int Dev Coop 2023;18(2):133-142.
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