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Journal of International Development Cooperation. Vol. 17, No. 2, 2022

Development Aid and Vitalization of International Development Consulting Industry in Korea
한국의 개발원조와 개발컨설팅 산업 활성화
J Int Dev Coop 2022;17(2):3-29.
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Family Context Matters: Exploring Family Environmental Factors That Influence the Development and Performance of Religio-Cultural Menstrual Practices in Far-West Nepal
J Int Dev Coop 2022;17(2):31-77.
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Approach for Higher Education Reform by International Organizations and the Reaction of Latin America
J Int Dev Coop 2022;17(2):79-102.
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Development Process of KOICA Evaluation System and Future Tasks
KOICA 평가 체계 발전 과정과 향후 과제
J Int Dev Coop 2022;17(2):105-120.
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KCI 신규 등재후보학술지로 선정

코이카가 발간하는 학술지인 '국제개발협력'이 한국연구재단의 2023년도
학술지 평가에서 KCI 신규 등재후보학술지로 선정되었습니다.

국제개발협력은 국내 국제개발분야 대표 학술지로서, 2025년 등재학술지로의
승급을 위해 더욱 노력하겠습니다. 

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